Thursday, September 13, 2007


I do the Friday Quote thing I mention in my profile mainly to keep up with people. By virtue of hanging around for quite a while I’ve gotten to know a lot of people and if I can ping them a quick quote that’s either thoughtful, funny (or both) it lets them know I’m still around. A quirky form of networking, but hey, I’m from Indiana.

Since a blog allows me more space, and since you have to come to it rather than me sending it to you, I needed to decide if I could create a topic that would create even mild interest from enough people. My fear is that people won’t read it. My other fear is that people will.

Steve Johnson, from Pragmatic Marketing, ( likes to call these subjects "Everything I thought everybody already knew about running a business." And that’s a good point; too many people assume too much. In fact, that’s a good topic for a future blog.

Anyway, my goal is to pass along “pearls of wisdom” as my ol’ Texas buddy Mike May likes to call them. Like real pearls they’ve been formed by a piece of grit that got stuck in a soft cavity. In these cases the grit is that old nemesis experience and the soft cavity is what passes as my psychotic grey matter.

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