Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Hope

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it's time to reform."  Mark Twain

2013 has opened with a bang.  So much to talk about but things are happening at a rate that makes it tough to grab a topic.  The teaser is that I've closed down the wine bar, have a buyer for the building who wants a new tenant in ASAFP.  So, this turn of events is going to not only give me great fodder for future blogs but also let me re-address some old blogs done under the "LBV Chronicles" banner.

But as I said, it's moving too fast right now.  So I'm going do what any savvy, crusty, sneaky Product Manager would do.  Cheat.

Here is a great new post from one of my favorite blogger - The Cranky Product Manager. Ten Things

Be back with one of my own soon.

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