I'm not famous. Never have been, never will be. Quite happy that it never happened to tell you the truth because frankly I'd probably be an insufferable ass if I were. I'd probably be one of those "Stars" who demand very specific things backstage or in my dressing room.
"I want my '90 Bollinger La Grande Année served exactly 15 minutes after I arrive at precisely 47 degrees, DO NOT mess this up!!!"
Yeah, me and fame, probably not a good thing.
Another reason I know I wouldn't be a good celebrity would be the total annoyance they must experience when going on promo tours for their new book/movie/concert. Being asked the same question over and over and over and over and over ad nausem would take me over the edge.
I've gotten to experience a mild version of this with the new tenant who took over the ground floor of my building. I alluded to these happenings in my first post of 2013 New Hope. So after months of renovation and activity they have opened to some fanfare (for a small town). I hope they're successful. The problem is they're nothing to me but a tenant. I have no investment in their business nor really even a passing interest. It's a simple arrangement. They pay their rent and I don't think about them again for 30 more days.
The problem (back to it being a small town) is because I've owned the building for so many years and had two businesses operate there a lot of people know me. So almost everywhere I go I get quizzed incessantly about what's going on with the new business.
"So what's she doing in there?'
"Can she make a business out of selling cookies?"
"What's she going to do with the patio?'
"Is she going to sell wine?"
"What are her hours?"
On and on and on.
It's one thing when you're promoting your own business (or book or movie) its another when you have no involvement. So I keep trying to find a short, quick answer that doesn't come off as impolite but also closes the door on any follow up questions.
This is what I accidentally hit on the other day. A local acquaintance stopped me on the street and immediately started in with the "So, what's going on in the building?" quiz. But then, as is their reputation, without pause launched into their own life and times and never came back to the question. So now when asked I mumble some stock answer and immediately ask the person something about themselves - their business, family, whatever. So far it's worked every time.
Ah, I love human nature.
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