Friday, February 8, 2008

A book I'll read

“Frankly, I’m suspicious of anyone who has a strong opinion on a complicated issue.” Scott Adams,

The Seven Flat One Minute Long Tailed Black Swans Who Stole My Cheese – By Scott Adams (who hasn’t written this book but should)

I love “How to be better” books, especially when they involve business. They prop open doors, press damp papers back into shape, and most of all look cool lying around your house or office. OK, I’ve even read a few of them. My problem with actually reading them is I always somewhere in Chapter 3 find myself saying to myself “Well Duh”.

Each one is filled with total common sense.

The only thing worse than the common sense syndrome is the moron co-worker or (much worse) Boss who latches onto the “Well Duh” Book du jour with the ferocity of a dog with a new chew toy.

You’ve been there. They buy everyone they know copies of it, quote chapter and verse from it in meetings, add a quote from it in their email signature. This does, however, bring up another use for the book… to bash the new disciple senseless in mid-quote!

You see, the problem isn’t the enlightened, common sense, “gee I knew that” material of the books. It's certainly not the authors who have spent countless hours writing the book. Look, we all can use refreshers and a little "Well Duh" never hurt anyone.

The problem is that PEOPLE DON’T ACTUALLY DO THE COMMON SENSE STUFF THAT MAKES YOU GO “WELL DUH”!!!!! They talk about it, preach to others about it, get tattoos about it and generally bore everyone else senseless about it but they don’t wake up in the morning and actually practice these common sense principles.

You’ve probably figured out by now that I’m into quotes. Well there’s one that goes “When everything is said and done, a hell of a lot more is said than done”. So, if you read one of these “Duh” books and it moves you then PLEASE, just go out and do.

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