Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Red, White & Blue with Envy

“I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on.” Oscar Levant

Since starting “Tales from an XOD” I have quite naturally become more interested in other blogs. I like to read the professional ones for tips on style and content, after all these people generate revenue from their sites. I like private ones because they usually provide the best raw emotion, sharp insight and blatant humor. I obviously like the ones from people in my industry since I relate to them the most.

But then a friend sent me this link Catch. It’s my first experience with blog envy. This blog is sharp, smart and funny, it’s a professional site with all the upside of a personal one. I love everything about it to the point I’m thinking about just pointing my blog URL to theirs and calling it good.

Most of all my friend who sent me the link is the same guy I’ve had a running dialog with for years (hell, decades) about snagging the golden ring in one of these start ups we’ve trudged through and opening Bubba & Gator’s Bait N’ Tackle down south somewhere. Now, the guys at Catch Your Limit Consulting have essentially done that without having to sell minnows and perform small engine repair.

Ah, envy. It’s not a bad thing.

For every business that think they have to be shined up and buttoned down, here you go, proof positive that you can be both down home and up town.

Great job, guys. I hope to buy y’all a beer someday.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I think this is my favorite blog post i've ever read. :) jeff